Rooted introduces participants to the 7 Rhythms of a disciple modeled in Acts 2. Through Bible study, sharing, and learning experiences, participants are challenged to step outside their comfort zones and live out their faith. This approach helps followers of Jesus to not only study the core discipleship rhythms…but to actually experience them. 

Rooted registration is now closed. We will offer Rooted again in Fall 2025.

It's about Community

During your time in Rooted, you will have the opportunity to ask hard questions, talk with other people in the group, and share your story and perspective. You will find that you are not alone in the journey of following Jesus. Rooted is a safe place for everyone.

It's for Everyone

For the curious, Rooted can be approached with either an interest in knowing Jesus or simply as an observer of the essential concepts of the Christian faith. For those already following Jesus, Rooted will take you back to the foundations of faith and ask you to explore your faith and experience God’s Word in its simplicity, maybe for the first time with this kind of lens. If you think you've been a Christian for too long to benefit from Rooted, we'd encourage you to come and be surprised.

What to Expect

5 days of devotions for each of the 10 weeks. 

It is a chance for you to read, reflect, journal, and write down questions. There is not a right way to do it, but it’s important to come to group prepared for the discussion that goes along with the reading.

10 weeks of group time. 

Groups consist of about 10-15 people. This is where you will have a chance to dialogue about what you have observed in the devotions for the week.

Prayer, Serve, and Celebration experiences! 

During Rooted you will get a chance to engage God through prayer, serve with your group in a local organization, and then celebrate what God has done and will continue to do through these groups.

Here's What You Need to Know!

Fall 2024 Schedule

Most Rooted groups will meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm with the exception of a Monday Women’s group at RVCC Graham and the online group on Wednesdays.

Week One – Launch – Tuesday, October 1, 6:30pm at RVCC Parkland

   Week Two – Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30pm

   Week Three – Tuesday, October 15 at 6:30pm

   Week Four – Tuesday, October 22 at 6:30pm

Prayer Experience – Saturday, October 26, 9:00am at RVCC Parkland

   Week Five – Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30pm

   Week Six – Tuesday, November 5 at 6:30pm

   Serve Experience – Between November 11-19, TBD by group

   Week Seven – Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30pm

   Week Eight – Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30pm

   Week Nine – Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30pm

   Week Ten – Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30pm

Rooted Celebration – Tuesday, December 10, 6:30pm at RVCC Graham

* These are events where all of the Rooted groups will meet together in one location. These events will be in-person only.


Childcare will be provided for the three all-group gatherings on October 1, October 26, and December 10. If you need childcare for these events, please provide the names and ages of children on your registration form.


We will consider offering childcare on the other evenings if there’s enough need. If this would be helpful, please indicate this on your registration.

Group Options

We are offering in-person and hybrid (online/in-person) group options during this season of Rooted. Virtual sessions will be held via Zoom. 

When you sign up for Rooted, please indicate which of the following groups you are interested in.


Women’s Group at RVCC Graham


Mixed Group at RVCC Graham

Mixed Group at RVCC Parkland

Women's Group at RVCC Parkland


Mixed Group Online via Zoom

Young Families in Edgewood

Day/Location TBD

Young Adult Group


$35 per adult / $60 per couple / $20 per student

This includes Rooted workbook, leader materials, t-shirt, and large gathering events.